Hello, My name is Danielle Dee and I live In Los Angeles, California. I moved here to pursue my Master’s Degree in Counseling at Loyola Marymount University and so after I have to say that my experience has been very positive. I truly enjoy what I am doing because I get to interact with people and help them every day. Outside of my academic goals, I enjoy the lively pin-up and rockabilly scene that Los Angeles has to offers. In general, I enjoy the high level of CRAZY that goes on here. I lived from Milwaukee Wisconsin so this is a very new experience for me! No snow, just perfect sunny weather year round and the most diverse population I have ever met, needless to day I love this place!
If you would like to learn more about me or just see more of my pictures, please visit me at my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/danielle.dee.12