Delia Dread is mover and shaker in the classic sense. By that I mean she not only has a good head on her shoulders, but knows how to work her hips as well. If you’re still not hip to what I’m saying, know that she is one of the queens of the Austin Burlesque scene! Dig more of her in this here interview!
For those not cool enough to know, who are you and what do you do?
I am Delia Dread founder and performer of Black Widow Burlesque in Austin Texas. Black Widow is comprised of four gorgeous gals including myself and our awesome MC as well as our newest member, our comedic drag queen Chlamydia Burns! We pride ourselves on having gals celebrate their glamor and to feel sexy in their own skin. With all the mainstream models on the covers of magazines, we try to show women if you have curves and big or small boobs/butt if your tall or short black or white you can be sexy in your own way. We also want to show women how to dress to compliment their bodies and to boost confidence. We go over this information at different classes that Ginger Snaps and myself teach around town, so keep your eyes peeled ladies. We are kind of like the Spice Girls of burlesque we have different ladies of all looks,sizes,colors and personalities that when you come to our shows you will love every girl for each unique theme and characteristics they have, but you will definitely want to pick out your favorite girl that sparks your interest. Delia Dread is all about the sweet and sinister, it’s like a oxymoron but it totally works. I do my sweet innocent numbers like “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” and “lollipop”. But then I bust out my macabre moves where I come out with a brain jello-ten mold and pour blood and glitter all over myself.
How long has the troupe been together? A year and half now and going strong!
Describe a typical show?
If it is a self produced “Black Widow Burlesque Presents” show then we try to do at least two solo numbers as well as a couple duets and a group number for the finale. We always try to bring other burlesque performers and troupes as well a magicians,jugglers,hoopers,comedians,bands. Anything to make it more of a variety/vaudeville show.
Do you perform solo as well?
You know it! So does all the other ladies in the troupe. I am a pin up model and do some go-go dancing for bands as well.
Do you do anything to stay in shape for performing?
Yoga and cheesy workout videos.
What inspires your acts?
I love the classics from Lili St. Cyr, Sally Rand and Zortia. I am also inspired by musicals and scary classic movie monsters. I get inspired from music as well, from Johnny Cash (thats where my first name Delia comes from his song Delia’s Gone) and The Cramps, Peggy Lee,Wanda Jackson and sooo much more.
Favorite places to perform?
I loved to perform at the Highball/Alamo Drafthouse cause we are always taken care of! La Zona Rosa and of course one of our former member has a new theater in south Austin called the Gemini Playhouse and we love it and feel at home there.
Any weird stories about gigs? Well thier will always be mishaps and unexpected things that will happen being a live performer. But I remember a show we did at Creekside a while back that turned out to be a nightmare. First of all the sound guy decided to go out and have some drinks so we couldn’t find him. So I had my friends boyfriend cue our music the whole show. Then when my song came on and I went out onstage and my dress hem got caught on a nail or something protruding from the ground and ripped my hem completely off and luckily one of the girls caught it saved me, before it became a real problem.Wow what a night!
Austin is famous for it’s music scene. But how is it for other kinds of performers?
Competitive but BWB tries to stay out of that we just want to put on a fabulous show, have fun and support the local burlesque scene. Austin is deifntaly spoiled when it comes to live entertainment of all sorts. To comedians, bands, burlesque and much more. We can always find fun and interesting acts to fill spots in shows, but it can be a problem sometimes to find people that aren’t flakes. We are currently looking to do a tour in the future, because Austin is so saturated in burlesque I think we can get paid better in other towns that aren’t so fortunate.
What do you think of the Austin rockabilly/psychobilly scene?
It is great! I am from a small west Texas town called Midland, so to see so many great rockabilly/pyschobilly shows gets me giddy! From cool rockabilly events like the roller derby,burlesque,the lonestar round up. I am in rockabilly heaven here in Austin!
There is a lot of pin-ups and dancers based out of Austin. Any that you admire?
The Jigglewatts always are sweet and put on an amazing show. Cardinal Cyn is a great friend and talented performer. Sin O’ Rita is such a cutie and is a guest star on occasion at our shows. Jamie Bahr is a cute pin up that is always supporting the burlesque/rockabilly scene. And of course Red Light Burlesque is so great cause I started out my burlesque career with RLB and without those hot babes I don’t think I would be where I am today.
How about Dallas, who also produces it’s fair share of glamour girls?
Ginger Valentine I performed with at the Bettie Page Tribute show was such a sweetheart and is so hard working, she has classes and produces the Dallas Burlesque Fest. I love Honey Cocoa Bordeauxx she is so unique and goes all out.
What about the famous Austin/Dallas feud? Does that spill over into burlesque?
Oh honey yes! But as I mentioned earlier BWB stays out of that business, I’ll plead the fifth!
Any classic burlesque dancers you look up too?
Lili St. Cyr is my all time favoriate, Sally Rand, Zorita,Gypsy Rose Lee,Dixie Evans,Bettie Page, Tempest Storm,Candy Barr, Ann Corio… could go on and on!
What’s next for you?
The tour I mentioned earlier and we are planning on doing a BWB burlesque fest. As for Delia Dread I am going to keep performing, modeling and getting that burlesque buzz out there to the public! Keep supporting the burlesque scene and thank you Rockabilly Online for the interview this has been a blast!
Check out more of Delia and the rest of the girls at their website!