Showgirl Adventure: Montreal Burlesque Fest 2011, pt. 2

Posted by RubyJoule On December - 25 - 20114,419 views

We must have had more fun Friday night than we knew, because no one could be roused until 1:00pm on Saturday!  I popped a flower in my hair and walked with Michelle L’Amour and David around the corner to Roberto’s for lasagna and cappuccino; the breakfast of burlesque champions.  They had an awfully tempting selection of gelato too – perhaps we would come back later for that.  The front of the café was open to the sidewalk, so we sat in the delicious early afternoon breeze and watched passersby.

Later that day, some mutual friends of the festival from Las Vegas, Heather and Rolando, drove me into Old Port, the historic district of Old Montreal.  Eroded cobblestone streets, horse-drawn carriages, art galleries, and umbrella festooned sidewalk eateries marked this wonderful part of the city.  The solid old stone buildings towered on either side of the streets, at once gracious and imposing.

Since Heather and Rolando had not joined us for the “breakfast of burlesque champions” earlier, we stopped at a little sidewalk bistro, Le Sauvagine, with tables nestled beneath giant orange umbrellas.  I ordered a rosé and gazed at the people passing by from behind my big dark sunglasses.  Then… a familiar figure emerged from the crowd.  Rolando exclaimed, ‘look who it is!’ The lovely Roxi D’Lite (BHOF Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2010) was headed our way.

She looked like a bohemian muse straight out of the summer of love with her floaty top, feather earrings and sun-kissed skin.  She told us of her weekend’s adventures in marvelous Montreal, but soon the ever-ticking clock had us rushing back to the townhouse to get primped and ready for the evening’s grand gala.

In the beautiful lobby of Club Soda, Miss Amber Ray had set up a table of glittering hair ornaments, and I was drawn to them like a helpless moth! After trying on several, I decided on a luscious orange poppy, shimmering with golden rhinestones.

The show that night was just as visually stunning.  One of my favorite acts was Harvest Moon’s aerial silk routine.  She made it look effortless and joyful, confident in every graceful and sculpted move.  The second half offered the sublime pairing of a tuxedoed tenor singing Nessun Dorma, followed by Michelle L’Amour’s impossibly dreamy white feather fan dance a la Sally Rand.

Michelle L'amour @Dan Lannegrace

The next act really got our blood pumping as legend Satan’s Angel took the stage.  Someone remarked that she was the “Tina Turner of burlesque” and her famous act ending in spinning fire tassels and a full house standing ovation left no doubt that she is every inch the rockstar.

Satans Angel ©Orangeroads photography

Our final après show gathering led us again to L’Assommoir and it’s decadent platters.  Everyone was in such high spirits that the staff finally had to shoo us out of there so they could go home.

Sunday morning we awoke to chilly temperatures and rain. Coming from Texas where it’s been over 100 degrees with NO rain for over three months, I was happy as a clam!

We gathered for the post-festival performers’ brunch at a place called Thursday’s, which ironically was a surreal cross between a TGI Friday’s and French fine dining.  Even more surreal was the strolling Portuguese troubadour, the person dancing around in a giant chicken suit, and the birthday song.  Every twenty minutes or so, disco lights would start flashing and the waitstaff would gather around a guest of honor and sing the birthday song as music was piped over the P.A.  It was a stark contrast to the white linen tablecloths and genteel floral décor, but the coffee and croissants were divine, and that’s what really mattered.

After brunch we embarked on a journey that possibly changed my life forever. We visited the Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibit at the Musee des Beaux-Arts.  Five rooms of iconic runway collections including pieces worn by Madonna and Dita Von Teese.  Garments that shaped my early years and my very relationship with lingerie.  Underwear as outerwear for God’s sake!  They were hallowed halls, these rooms of  genius wearable masterpieces.  The corsetry alone left me breathless.  If this exhibit comes anywhere near you, go see it!

Ensemble worn by Dita Von Teese, at the Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibit.

That evening we convened in Scarlett and David’s kitchen, drank raspberry vodka and danced to hair bands as David played DJ.  Hmmm… that could be the inspiration for another great burlesque show…

Please stay tuned for the next adventure!

xoxo, Ruby Joule

photo: Hope Parrish, costume: Champagne Showgirls

Ruby Joule is an international burlesque sensation, go-go dancer, pin-up model and bonne vivante based in Austin, TX. She is a founding member of The Jigglewatts Burlesque and strives to seek out new adventures in Showgirlhood!

Follow Ruby on: TwitterFacebook, and

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