Queensday Car Boot Sales at the Cruise Inn, Amsterdam

Posted by Baldcat On May - 8 - 20114,059 views

Photo by Baldcat

In Holland rockabilly’s and other rock & roll lovers meet each other at the Cruise Inn. A great Rock and Roll, which was founded in 1982, cafe at the eastside of Amsterdam. For about 70 years the Dutch celebrate the birthday of their queen on saturday the 30th of April. A day of many traditions such as car boot sales and flea markets. Last April 30th the queen and Rock and Roll met at the Cruise Inn in the form of a successful car bootsale especially for those whole love and admire 1950s.
We asked the two organisors and enthousiasts of the Cruise Inn (just two of the many volunteers that help out at the Cruise Inn) Maurits ‘Sputnik’ Schelling and Marielle ’Swingtime’ Zaal some questions.

Maurits and Marielle Photo by Baldcat

Why a car bootsale during a Dutch national holiday?

‘In the Netherlands Queens-day is a national holiday’, says Marielle. ‘Then it is possible to sell goods on the street without a license. So it’s easier for everyone to sell goods they don’t need anymore.’

Why a Carbootsale in the Cruise Inn?

Photo by Baldcat

‘We haven’t done a car boot sale before’ Maurits continues. ‘It was a get-together of idea’s of several people. Cruise Inn visitors requested to do a flea market but inside the club too small and on bandnights it’s too crowded. During one of the meetings the board of the Cruise Inn came up with the idea of organising a car boot sale in front of the Cruise on 30th of April; Queens-day.’

How was it to organise this event?

Maurits: ‘We’ve organised it from the bottom of our hearts! As long as the Cruise Inn will remain an understanding in Holland and will always be combined with the 1950s and Rock & Roll music from that era.’

You two weren’t the only ones organising this event?

Photo by Baldcat

‘Every time the Cruise Inn is open, a handful of people keep the place rollin’ Maurits tells. ‘First of all the board which takes the main decisions and of course all the volunteers. These volunteers do their shifts behind the bar, sell drink vouchers, sit behind the entrance counter or spin the platters that matter (dj’s)!

Did the goods sell well?

Maurits: ‘The turn up was very good. In the end we ran out of space to give everyone a place for their car. So next year it will be somewhat different to create more space so more people can sell their goodies.’

What kind of goods were sold?

‘The main focus is basically on the 1950s. So household goods for from that er were sold. As well as Rock & Roll records and cd’s, and vintage, reproduction vintage or custom made clothing’, explains Marielle.

Photo by Baldcat

How were the sales?

‘From what we’ve heard everyone was satisfied. No huge amounts were asked for the goods’,

The Cruise Inn is situated on the outskirts of Amsterdam. In the centre of Amsterdam it’s one big party were many people go to. Was this a disadvantage?

Buzz Barton Brothers Photo by Baldcat

Maurits eyes start to twinkle. ‘Because of the internet and other media we use this event was well known amongst Rock & Roll lovers and Cruise Inn visitors. Not everyone could come of course, cause there was so much choice for people to do on one day. But we are located near the highway which makes it a big advantage to take the car and to park in front of the door.

And there was music!

‘Yes. The band was called Buzz Barton’s Brothers.’ Maurits explains ‘These guys just started the band a couple of months ago and this was their second public appearance. They wanted to play at the Cruise Inn so they were prepared to perform for a couple of beers instead of money. Also on behalf of BBB the carbootsale was successful by giving their full support and play two long sets with live music.’ Furthermore we stayed open for our monthly dancenight/record hop which allows people to dance all night long to various dancing styles from the 1950s. A great night to get together and just dance as much as you want. Yes, without live music but also free entrance!!! Always the best dj’s to spin the right tracks.

Is there a sequel and what would you do differently?

Photo by Baldcat

Maurits: ‘There’s definitely gonna be a sequel and maybe sooner than 30th April 2012.’ Marielle continues ‘Then we surely will create more space on the parking lot in front of the Cruise Inn by parking the cars on a different spot. So there will be more space for sales.’

And what about D-day 11 June 2011?

A day not to be missed! Why? Five different international bands of the highest R&R level will perform in different 1950s styles, the best Dutch, European and US DJ’s are present and there is a market with records, cd’s, vintage clothing and reproduction clothing, 1950s goodies and so on. This great R&R party starts at 2 pm and lasts till the next morning. And all this without charging an entrance fee!!! Now tell me…where can you find such a great event nowadays?

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