The interior of Patrick and Dieuwerke

Posted by Lisa On April - 9 - 20113,534 views


What’s your profession?
I am a file editor at Erasmus Medisch Centrum and Dieuwerke is purser on a airline company.

We run the webshop WWW.GLAMROCKCLOTHING.NL, a webstore for rockabilly and pinup clothing.

How would you describe your interior?
A house build in the 1938 with, as far as possible, orginal details: paneldoors, build in cupboards,ensuite rooms with sliding doors and some windows still have the original stained glass.
When we came here the house was mostly original, except for the new kitchen and bathroom  and we tried to keep it that way. We have a lot of storage space because of all the original build in cupboards. So we hardly have any cabinets.
Design:  A MIX OF MODERN & VINTAGE and EXOTIC SOUVENIRS from our travels.
Who or what  is your interior inspiration?
When we bought this house we bought mostly new furniture and since we have quite different tastes we had to search for stuff we both liked.
We only took our glass coffeetable from our old home. It’s a table made by Dieuwerke’s brother, it’s a copy of a design table, just like our frosted glass dinnertable that is a copy of an Italian design table. The chairs are the only furniture from a  real designer RON ARAD, the FPE CHAIR. We have 4 white ones for daily use and 4 red ones which we use when we have visitors.
Above the dining table hangs a handmade glass lamp from Jemen. It’s a grape made from small handblown balls.
When we are on holiday we try to take home nice souvenirs and we are starting to have a nice collection.

Show us your favorite element in your interior:
It’s hard to choose but first, there’s our vintage plaster MANNEQUIN from SIEGEL, probably made end 30’s, early 40’s.


When we bought the ChevyVan for our store we did get this doll for free from the owner! It was damaged on a hand an arm but I repared it. Since it’s made of plaster is very vulnerable. He could a use new wig and she needs some small repairs but it’s a very nice mannequin and there are not many of them left.
The second fun element is our TIKI BAR bought from a Belgian couple. who own a shop with vintage stuff and who sell, just like us, a lot on festivals and  fairs.Tom en Eva.

What is your best purchase?
I think the tiki bar, it was only 100,- euro, and I bought two little side table for 2,50 euro!

What do you prefer: vintage or replica?
It depends on whether what it is, if it is FURNITURE, CARS and other vintage stuff that are old but still in a good condition then offcourse I prefer VINTAGE.  But things that are not in a good state when old, like CLOTHING, then I rather have a REPLICA.

Do you have collections?
Not really, well not with real value. We do have a small collection of GHANESH figurines (a hindoe god) and a couple of miniature beatles. And I have a growing collection of  HAIRPOMADES and SHIRTS (over a hundred now).

Is there something in your  interior that you would like to throw out?
There’s not really something that I would like to throw out.  The only thing is, that we always have a couple YUCCA’s in our house and they grow so fast! At this moment we’ve got some that I would like to see a little bit smaller.

On which DIY projct are you the most proud of?
Recently I started with WOODARVING and PINSTRIPING. On rockabilly meetings you often see people who carve tiki figures and people who make nice pinstripings on various things. I had some nice piece of wood and a little knife at home so I tried to carve a little so called “SHRUNKEN HEAD” and it worked out well. After that I carved my first TIKI FIGURE and that worked out really well too. So I made a lamp out of it!
That’s what I am most proud of.  By combining woodcarving with pinstriping you can create really nice things.

I’ve spend way to much money on:
Our yellow beatle!  Not an interior item but very precious to me to.
We bought this car from the owner from our former beatle-garage where we did the maintainance for the red beatle we had. We wanted the red beatle to be restored, but that  was so expensive and it was only for the exterior of the car, that we decided to buy this new build car, for the same price as the restoration of our old car would have cost.
The only disadvantage is that it’s valued quite high and to keep it that way you have to regulary have some good maintainance.

Was it worth it?
It’s still is a nice toy, it has a 1600 cc motor with a double carburator so it drives quite hard and has a great soundsystem aboard.

Where did you get it?
Sofa:                                  Fabricati, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Dining table:                  Jenkicova, doesn’t exist anymore.
Dining room table:     Het Gulden Interieur, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Lamps:                             Fleemarkets
Bed:                                   We still want a nice bed!
Art/ decorations:       We bought them on holidays from Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Egypt, Marocco, Cameroon
Floors:                               Almost everywhere Ikea flooring, cheap and easy to clean. In the bathroom we       have Maroccan tiles.

Keuken (tegels):             The kitchen is, unfortunatly, also Ikea. We are still looking for something nice and different.

Thanks, Patrick and Dieuwerke for sharing your home with us!!

Do you want to share your home here on Rockabilly online, let us know, we’ll contact you!

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