Showgirl Adventure: Miss La Diva

Posted by RubyJoule On February - 8 - 20114,385 views

I don’t normally do interviews in my column, but when this raven-haired rockabilly dame from Hollywood dropped me a note, I couldn’t resist.  Especially since I’m headed out to the West Coast soon and need all the pointers I can get!  Please allow me to introduce: Miss La Diva!

Miss La Diva

RJ: For those not in the know, who is “Miss La Diva”?

LD: Oh darlin’, Miss La Diva is a gal from a town in Canada called ”Quebec”, and I’m in the process of conquering Hollywood!  Either with my brains or my beauty- but I always make time to come out and play. I do the vintage style bump’n’grind burlesque. Welcome to my world.

RJ: What brought you out to Hollywood?

LD: The reason I came to California was actually the weather; I just couldn’t deal with the snow anymore. Everything else that I achieved came later.

RJ: What attracted you to the rockabilly and burlesque scene in the first place?

LD: Well… burlesque came first in ’98, and what attracted me was the beauty of the ladies and the smoothness when performing. A couple of years later  I met this handsome guy named Todd and he was an all around rebel rockabilly handsome devil! That’s when my interest to be part of that scene came out.  Later I decided to put both burlesque and rockabilly in one show, ”ROCKABILLY-O-RAMA” (rock’n’grind), plus both scenes are from the 50’s so it blends right in. But for my next show I’m booking Texan Lucky Tubb. He plays vintage honky tonk and Hollywood is ready for that kind of music. Of course burlesque would also be added. I’ll be opening the night not with a bump’n’grind, but with an act with props. We are gonna have a long night that night!

RJ: You’ve been in the rockabilly scene and performing burlesque for many years. Do you think it has changed since you started, and how?

LD: I have noticed it with the bands; lately a bunch of young guys will get together and make a band, open a new profile on myspace or facebook, sometimes on both like if their band is a big deal. But unfortunately they are just a bunch of guys making noises onstage and I’m having a hard time getting good bands in Hollywood. Oh yeah I know about music!

RJ: What was it like performing with Lady Jane’s show, and how did it help you develop your art as a performer?

LD:  That show was a crowded one, oh yeah! Even when the Pussycat Dolls would have their shows on Friday nights we were still packing the house every Thursday night. Lady Jane was from New Orleans, living there and only coming out here to Hollywood to put on shows. She paid us very well, and because I was there once a week it really helped me to develop my art as a performer.

RJ: What was your craziest/most memorable moment on stage?

LD: Usually one of my pasties came off and I didn’t even notice ’till the pick-up girl brought it to me backstage with the rest of my costumes and I’m like, ”Oh not again damn it!,”  Ha ha ha I’m laughing while I type this! And one time a song that I was performing had just ended and I still couldn’t take my dress off-  and the worst part is that the event was being taped that night and you can see the audience trying to unzip my costume, and it wasn’t just one person. When I watched the tape there was a whole crowd behind me where the zipper was..omg! Now I’m laughing even harder and with tears.

RJ: What types of music or themes are you inspired to put into your acts?

LD: Well all my songs and themes are as vintage as it can get. The old style inspires me alot and I know that it does the audience as well. I watch lots of 50s clips to pick the right move to add when developing a new routine and all my bump’n’grinds are based on that.

RJ: I hear you’re working toward developing a clothing and wig line- what is your inspiration for that, and what types of styles do you want to create?

LD: My clothing line would be based on 50s cocktail dresses and pants for burlesquers, and two different types of wigs; the short ones with different colors and shoulder length ones which would be blonde only, with Jane Mansfield’s cut and style.

Well I know plenty of Bettys that will be on the lookout for those lovely items!  Can’t wait to meet you in person, Miss La Diva… till next time!

xoxo, Ruby Joule

Ruby Joule is a burlesque performer, go-go dancer, pin-up model and bonne vivante based in Austin, TX. She is a founding member of The Jigglewatts Burlesque and strives to seek out new adventures in Showgirlhood!

Follow Ruby on: Twitter, Facebook, tumblr

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Ruby Joule

Ruby Joule

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