Rock around the Jukebox (The Netherlands)

Posted by Dee-Ann On October - 15 - 20105,543 views

Greasers, oldtimers, vintage furniture, vinyl records and jukboxes all under one roof on October 16th and 17th at the annual Rock around the Jukebox event at the AUTOTRON in ROSMALEN (The Netherlands)

In the main hall there are two floors filled with Jukeboxes, vinyl records, clothing, furniture, kitchens, accessories, car parts, and more lovely wanna haves from the fifties, or retro like. Next to the nostalgic jukeboxex, which play music of the black vinyl records, you can also find the modern jukeboxes which play music from cd’s.

Outside, there will be an oldtimer show.

On stage at the Eventron, the Engelse band Matchbox in its original setting, will be playing their biggest hits. Along with other bands like Renée & The Alligators and Mess Around.

Rock Around the Jukebox  starts from 10.00 untill 17.00.

Tickets € 12. Children under 15 free.

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