@The Skiffle Billy Cocktail

Posted by Dee-Ann On August - 19 - 20104,034 views

@The Skiffle Billy Cocktail. That name made me curious. Could it be, skiffle? Could it be Punk? Could it be Drunkabilly? I had to find out. I’ve seen the singer around town, sinds the eighties, but never took the time to chat. Maybe I know why, now. Just kidding. He’s not taking things too serious, and that’s a good thing. 


You’ve been making music for quite a while. I think you started in the eighties right? Tell me about the bands.   

Ronnie: Eh , well …… I was mainly busy being Punk. 

I played in a punk band called the Railbirds. And looking back, actually listening back, it was more like Willy Nelson sniffing glue than the Punk music of 10 years later. There were The Butchers , Chatterbox, and more of that kind. Later came the real big Punk scene with the Rondos etc, but it was such a long time ago. So long ago. I should drink more often. 

With the Railbirds we played only in Rotterdam (The Netherlands)… My mom didn’t let me go any further, hahaha. With the Tandstickorshocks, we played in Letland, I think.
Years later I played with “the Yompin’cockroaches” and “the son of the Yompin’cockroaches” (rock-a-billy). Those bands played much further, I think at least Schiedam (The Netherlands, next to Rotterdam) ;-p.
I played with the Pinheads. A Dutch party and fun band. They’ve been around everywhere. Even in the Italian Tirol for 14 days
Ofcourse “liefde met Mayonaise” but they did not make it long and far: Nighttown (Rotterdam) with De Dijk as our opening act. 

@the Skiffle Billy cocktail exists for 2 years now. How did you get together?
Ruud: Our getting together had everything to do with friendship, going to bars, Art academy, music, loudness, freedom and maybe hunting deer, but I’m not sure about that. 

Ronnie: and I was running around after them. I knew the guys from the bar. “The Vincents” broke up and they asked me as their singer. 

How do you describe your music style? 

Ruud: It’s somewhere near skiffle, rock-a-billy,country, ragtime etc. We experience it as very authentic and original, so very Skiffle Billy Cocktail! 


Your songs sound familiair, but are very original. So who writes the songs?
Ruud: I write all the music and lyrics. I also touch the acoustic guitar. Hans Tulkens on guitar, Kees Buckens ‘up-standing bass’, Theo Olsthoorn drums and Ronnie Roteb vocals, beer and cigarettes. 


Kees and Hans

Although @the Skiffle… has not a long history yet, tell me about your best show 

Ronnie: My best show was the one I did not play in, but did the sound for the band. It was Batmobile show in in Londen. I think one of the first Clubfoot shows. It was the first time I saw so many idiots gathered. 

Are there any todays bands that you like?
Ronnie:The Reverend , The Paladins. I think SOAD is fun, Social D., Los Gatos Locos, Batmobile, Johnny Dowd.
Ruud: still “the Smiths” and everything that has to do with Rockabilly!!!! 

Making music is obviously your passion. But what other passions do you have?
Ruud: painting and painting, making music and making music. That’s it.
Ronnie: embroiding, drinking beer, yodeling and smoking cigarettes. 


Any future plans?
Ruud: Playing a lot and everywhere, recording new stuff, to get our heads empty and to show what we do.
Ronnie: and if his head is empty, I can fill mine at last. 

Playing a lot… ofcourse, but where would you like to play? 


 Ruud: in every place on this planet where the folks are good and where its nice to be.
Ronnie: … I think in Nice. 


I almost do not dare to ask, but do you have strange habits you want to tell us?
Ronnie: Well if you think that embroiding is normal? 


Finish this sentence: I’ll never…
Ronnie: …go alone in the woods!!! 

If you like this band, go to their official website where you can order a cd PLUS t-shirt (black, red-green or blue)
for € 15,-  http://www.theskifflebillycocktail.com

But first, listen to their music:

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