The next ten weeks we will showcase pictures of Little Skull Photography . Joslyn, of Little Skull Photography’s,
has been doing pinup photography for about 2 years. Check out their website to take a look at their studio:
Here’s her story.
Besides the obvious reason of everything oldschool being super awesome, I find shooting vintage pinup to be the most flattering way to photograph a lady.
I think there is something so special about capturing the beauty of a modern day woman as if she were from a past time period. Every woman, no matter shape or size, has something beautiful about them & vintage pinup showcases that in a way no other photography can.

Model: ShellsBells Picture by Little Skull Photography
What do you feel is the most challenging thing about photographing pinups?
As with any genre of photography, creating/capturing the perfect lighting is the most challenging part. However, when you get it right you just know. The lighting can really make or break a shot.
The first photographer that comes to your mind and why? – Bunny Yeager, because she paved the way for women photographers everywhere, not to mention without her, pinup photography wouldn’t be what it is today.
In general, during a session, how many pics would you say you take to find “the right one”? – It depends on what the shoot is for really. If I’m shooting for fun or for a publication, I can get “the right one” within the first 15 shots, but if it’s for a client I will take many more than that so they have more to choose from and because their idea of “the right one” may not be what I would choose.
Which one item of equipment would you say is the most important to you- The camera! that’s a silly question! haha!
Are you a self taught photographer or did you have a mentor that showed you the ropes?- My style of shooting is all self- taught. The technicalities or “the ropes” of photography were actually taught to me by my husband. He has been a photographer for a lot longer than myself. I would watch him edit & assist him on his photoshoots as much as possible when I first got into it & it was the best thing I could have ever done, I really learned so much.
How do you decide on locations & subjects?- Deciding on locations & subjects has always come easy to me. I will be driving somewhere & see a spot that would be perfect to shoot at & i make it a point to remember it. Subjects or models come easy for me as well because I am lucky enough to be surrounded by so many beautiful people who enjoy letting me take photos of them.
What is the ONE lasting impression you want to leave in your photos?- When people see my photos I want them to think two things: ” Wow, thats beautiful!” & “I want to do that!” Nothing makes me happier than the emails I get from clients saying “I just love my photos! I can’t wait to do it again!”.