69Beavershot Baroeg

Posted by Dee-Ann On September - 3 - 20143,669 views

IMG_0133After a couple of silent years 69 Beavershot played at the the Scum Bash festival earlier this year. They kinda picked up performing again, with drummer Rene. In July they were sharing stage with Bob Wayne, at the Baroeg. A dark and little venue in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Mostly alternative bands play there. Mostly hardrock, metal, but gradually Psychobilly, hillbilly is setteling at the Baroeg.
Guitar player Robert always has this great style of playing, inspired by Brian setzer, Scotty More, James Burton. His growling voice is just right for their kind of rough rockabilly. All their songs have titles you can easily sing and shout along with, like, red headed woman (my favorite although I’m not a red head), hell cat and speed track. 69Beavershot played their own originals as well as some covers. While guys sang along especially woman danced exotically in front of the stage. Is it because of their music or are they hoping Robert is giving them the eye?

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