Scum Bash Rotterdam, part 1

Posted by Dee-Ann On February - 25 - 20146,855 views

IMG_7445The men of Schorem, Haarsnijder en Barbier have been in the Dutch media a lot lately, being one of the few vintage styled barbers in The Netherlands. Clients lining up in front of their shop, they don’t mind waiting for one or two hours. Women are not allowed in, dogs are. Men with beards and moustaches everywhere, with the greasy haircut. Even at the university, grocery store, shopping mall. They’ve shot the hype into the mainstream world. Barbers loving the vintage style of the thirties forties and most of all music!

Leen and Bertus started the first Scumbash in Rotterdam on February 22nd, 2014. 14 bands on three stages, playing at the Van Nelle fabriek in Rotterdam (NL). It was like a North Sea Jazz festival for scum! And that’s a good thing. Loudness is the main criteria for being invited as a band.

Well not always. The Small Time Crooks, opened the festival. Four bearded men with tattoos from The Hague form a acoustic band, playing fun bluegrass, singing harmonies, kazoo and washboard included.smalltimecrooks

69beavershot - kopie

Picture by Brigitte Vos

69Beavershot was one of the bands who played in the afternoon on the “Cortonville” stage. They haven’t been playing for 5 years but Leen and Bertus called them to join them at the festival. The story goes that when Leen and Bertus traveled through Australia, a couple of years ago, they only had one cd and it was the first album of 69Beavershot. I guess they know all the songs by heart by now. For this very special occasion 69Beavershot’s bass player Mars and rocking ink man Robert joined together with their new drummer René. Maximum rockabilly! Eric Corton presented the bands on Cortonville. He was very impressed by this band and said: great band wrong stage (should have been the main stage).

Besides enjoying the bands you could walk around looking at beautiful people:

IMG_7509shopping for clothes, have your chin shaved by Schorem, Haarsnijder en barbiers apprentices, or your hair pincurled.IMG_7491 The whole rock and roll lifestyle under one roof! IMG_7486 IMG_7492


In part two there’s more about The Bluegrass Boogiemen, Batmobile and a bit of Toy Dolls. Stay tuned!

One Response to “Scum Bash Rotterdam, part 1”

  1. […] Earlier this year I visited the First Scumbash in Rotterdam The Netherlands. I already wrote about it back then, […]

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